The First Holy Eucharist is a very important sacrament in the life of a child as he/she receives Jesus for the very first time. It is during this sacrament, that the child comes into union with Jesus by accepting the bread and wine, which is symbolic of Jesus' body and blood.

Fr Leslie Almeida, Spiritual Director of the Sunday School, along with Fr. Nelson Saldanha and Fr. Joseph Gonsalves celebrated the First Holy Eucharist on February 5, 2023, at 10 am. The homily was insightful with a message to keep the hunger and longing for Jesus alive within us. The 17 communicants looked proud as they participated actively in the liturgy and received Jesus for the first time, a moment to treasure! We express our gratitude to all the priests, catechism teachers, altar servers, choir and everyone who contributed to making the liturgy so special and prayerful. It was indeed a heart-filled experience to watch our little ones take this step in their journey of Christian faith.
This journey began in June 2022. The classes were very well planned with an extensive syllabus including various activities, action songs and interactive sessions. The catechists, Mrs Godeleva and Sr. Theresya ensured that the children are not only enriched in their knowledge of Jesus and the Bible but also learn to strengthen and express their faith in Him.
The children were made to understand the meaning of sacraments, the significance of the consecrated bread and wine, why it symbolises Jesus' body and blood, and how each time, by partaking in the Eucharistic celebration, we commemorate Jesus' sacrifice for us.
During the intensive week, Fr Leslie also conducted a special session for the communicants and their parents, to explain the significance of the sacrament of reconciliation – the examination of one's conscience – which was followed by confession. The parents were also invited to engage and be a part of the spiritual growth of our children.