On 18th February 2023, 13 young boys and girls of our parish were confirmed by our very own dear Bishop Barthol Barreto at the solemn Eucharist concelebrated together with our parish fathers.

The students were well prepared with sessions on faith along with special recollections at the start and the end of the programme. The sessions were taken by seminarians and priests from the seminary and all the parish fathers Fr. Nelson, Fr. Leslie and Fr. Joseph. Br. Cajetan who visited the parish every Saturday/Sunday for weekend ministry in the parish was actively involved in the confirmation programme together with the catechists Gracy and Lilia. Fr. Joseph coordinated the end programme.
Besides the classes that the students regularly attended every Sunday, they prepared a report on the life of their favourite saint whom they would want to imitate and were challenged to perform 25 hours of work by serving in the community, the parish or being involved in some activity in the youth group. The confirmands tried their best to be a part of these activities.
In his homily, the Bishop reinforced what the students were told during the year…. The need to stay connected to God in prayer and be of service in the parish and society. He urged them to read at least a small text of the Bible each day and draw spiritual guidance and nourishment from it. At the end of the Eucharist, he spent a few moments interacting with the students. On 18th February we had 13 young confirmed young boys and girls added to the active flock of the St. Thomas Parish community.
We wish them all the very best in the service of the Lord and in their personal lives.