For the first time after a gap of many years, the Konkani-speaking community of our parish celebrated the Feast of Amcho Goencho Saib on 3rd December at the solemn Eucharistic celebration in Konkani at 5.30 pm. Fr. Nelson Saldanha our Parish Priest since he already had an appointment to celebrate mass in another Parish, invited Fr. Anthony Fernandes, Professor at St. Pius X College to celebrate the Eucharist. Fr. Anthony highlighted the important aspects of the life of St. Francis Xavier and challenged the participants to follow in his footsteps winning souls for Christ.
Indeed, the entire celebration was festive…, the ambience in the church, the choir helping the congregation to praise God through their melodious voices, confident after many practices and the presence of many ex-parishioners who joined in the Eucharist.
In the true spirit of fellowship, all were served snacks after mass. It was a memorable occasion for everyone who participated. Thanks to the efforts of many who silently coordinated the entire celebration. Sincere thanks to Fr. Nelson who provided the opportunity.