1. 1st November Feast of All Saints, Masses as usual.
2nd November All Souls Day Masses 6.45 am in English, 7.45 am in Tamil, 6.00 pm and 7.00 pm in English. The blessings of the graves will be at 7.30 am. Please do not light candles on the grave also please keep some space between the graves while decorating for the priest to walk to bless the graves.
2. Please drop your Mass intentions in the box placed near the Altar for All Souls Day
3. Kindly note that the Parish office will remain closed on 2nd November.
4. The Sunday school children will be having children’s day celebrations tomorrow / today, from 3.30 pm to 6.00 pm in the school quadrangle. Only those children who have registered their names will be allowed.
5. Please hand over the filled forms for awards to Bombay Catholic Sabha members today.
6. The details of Masses on All Soul’s day at St. Peter’s Haines Road Cemetery, Mahalaxmi and Sewri Cemetery are placed on the notice board.
7. On 3rd November, 1st Friday half an hour Eucharistic adoration will be conducted by Family Cell and Senior Citizen Cell.
8. From November, 2023 there will be Mass in Gujarati on 1st Sunday of the month at 11.00 am as per the request from Archbishop’s House.
9. Synod Assembly at Vatican will conclude tomorrow / today. The recitation of the Synod prayer will end today. Thank you for praying for the Synod during the last 1 year.
10. Parish Pastoral Council meeting on Sunday, 5th November at 10.45 am in the conference room. Members please attend.
11. There will be orientation program for all Associations, Cells and Groups on Sunday, 12th November, 2023 after 9.30 am Mass in the Church, conducted by Mr. Adrian Rosario. Requesting all members mentioned above to attend the same.
12. Centre for Social Action has thanked you parishioners for patronising the food stall on Mission Sunday which amounted to Rs.35,480/-. Thank you for your generosity.
13. We, The Parish fathers thank you for the following collections :-
Last Sunday………………………… Rs.33,365.00
Mission Sunday 2nd collection ..…. Rs.38,326.00