Happy Easter
1. On behalf of the Parish Fathers and Parish Pastoral Council wish one and all a Happy Easter. May the Risen Lord bless you and your near and dear ones. May the peace and joy of the Risen Lord be with you now and always that you may share His presence to everyone around you.
2. We wish to thank all those involved in celebration of the TRIDUUM. The Lectors, Eucharist Ministers , Liturgy Team, Choir, Altar Servers, Confreternity, Ushers, Parish Pastor Council, Décor team, Associations, Volunteers, Donars, Easter Candles, Ryan Sound, Sanket Décorator, Vanrai Police and all who have helped during these days. May the Risen Lord bless you and your family in abundance.
3. Easter Sunday Masses: 7.00 am in Tamil, 8.30 am in English, 9.30 am in Marathi. No evening Mass. For community Easter Mass please contact your coordinator.
4. Summer camps organized by Diocesan Youth Centre for Youth begins on 8th,
14th and 20th April 2024 at RC Church Khandala. For details and registration
please refer to the notice board.
5. Joseph Cardijn Technical School, Dadar (E) offers a month long technical
trade especially for those who have appeared for their SSC/ HSC exams .
Knowing the basic of welding, electrical, car servicing, carpentry & fabrication
will always be useful.
6. The graves of those buried in 2020 will be opened shortly. Family members/ relatives who wish to transfer the remains to their Niches are requested to do so immediately within 3 months. No personal reminders will be given by the Church Office unless duly informed in writing. Kindly see the notice board, and for more inquires approach the parish office during office hours.
7. There is an Examiner stall setup near the Exit of the ground. You can collect your Examiner copies from this stall.
8. The youth of our parish have organized a Summer camp from 13th April 2024 onwards till end of May 2024. This summer camp will be open for all, on every weekends from 7.30 to 9. 30 pm. All are invited. The Youth have also organized a Box Cricket Tournament on 21st April 2024. from 10.30 am to 7 pm . This Cricket tournament is open for all our Parishioners. The entry forms for Cricket Tournament will be available at the Church Bookstall. Let’s come together and make this summer vacation a fun filled time.
9. We're delighted to announce a special music learning session taking place on Sunday, April 14th at 10:30 AM. Please come to learn music and also practice hymns together. All are welcome to join in this enriching musical experience.
10. The Parish fathers thank you for the following collections :-
Last Sunday……… …… . Rs. 45,589/-
Maundy Thursday…………Rs. 55,255/-
Veneration of the Cross…. Rs. 67920/- (This amount will be sent Bishop’s House)
Good Friday……………….. Rs.58,488/-