1. Today we commemorate Prison Ministry Sunday. 14th August the memorial of St. Maximilian Kolbe, the patron of Prisoners. 18th August Justice Sunday.
2. Today will be celebrated as Prison Ministry Sunday in the Archdiocese of Bombay. Those who wish to join as Prison Ministry volunteers or want to support the Prison Ministry in any form, kindly refer to the Prison Ministry poster put up on the notice board.
3. Today’s second collection will be towards Prison Ministry which will be sent to the Archbishop’s House.
4. 15th August, the Solemn Feast of the Assumption of our Blessed Mother in Heaven and our country’s Independence Day. A day of obligation to attend Mass. Mass in Tamil is at 7.00 am. The flag hoist ceremony in school will be at 7.45 am. Mass in English is at 8.30 am. There will be No evening mass on 15th August, 2024.
5. There will be a Youth meeting on Sunday 11th August at 10.30 am. Requesting all youth to attend the same.
6. The youth of our parish are organizing Monsoon Masti on Thursday, 15th August, 2024 from 10 am to 1 pm on the school grounds with fun filled water games. This is open and free to attend for all parishioners young and old. Please join in large numbers. Dress code will be monsoon casuals.
7. Please contribute to the Community Welfare Fund. The Community Welfare Fund amount collected for the month of July 2024 is Rs. 1,35,700/- The amount paid to our parishioners in the month of July, 2024 towards Medical Aid is Rs. 16,587/-
8. The Bible Committee is organizing ONE DAY BIBLE STUDY (ODBS) for the youth on 15th August, 2024. All those interested youths from the age of 16 to 35 can register themselves at the parish office or contact the Bible Committee office. For details kindly look up the notice board.
9. The Diocesan Vocation Service Centre is organizing QUEST programm for boys and girls who are interested in priesthood and religious life. The programme is on 15th August,2024 at the Goregaon Seminary. Details of the programme are on the notice board.
10. There will be a meeting of Lectors, cantors and choir members on Sunday 18th August, 2024 after the 9.30 am mass. Kindly register yourselves in your respective groups to confirm your presence. Those interested in joining as lector and cantor Ministry are invited for the meeting.
11. The All Bombay Night Vigil (34th Year) organized by MARIAN SEVA SANGH to pray for peace in our homes and our country will be held on Wednesday, 14th August,2024 at Sacred Heart Church, Santacruz (West). Starting at 10.00 pm and ending with Eucharistic Celebration at 5.00 am. Please come in large numbers.
12. The Franciscan Brothers, Mount Poinsur, Borivali West have opened Post Graduate Diploma in Management, 2024-2026, 2 Year’s Full time Program. For further details please see the notice board.
13. The parish fathers thank you for the following collections :- Last Sunday ……….... Rs. 32,061/- Second Collection…… Rs. 31,168/- Both the collections will be sent to Archbishop’s House.