1. 6th August, the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
8th August the memorial of St Dominic.
10th August the memorial of St. Lawrence.
11th August Prison Ministry Sunday.
2. Today we celebrate the feast of St John Marie Vianney. The day of the Diocesan Priests. Kindly pray for Frs. Nelson, Joe, Christopher and all fathers who have served in our parish. May the Lord bless our parish fathers and keep them in good health.
3. The second collection will be sent to Archbishops House towards Clergy Fund .
4. The youth of our parish are organizing Monsoon Masti on Thursday, 15th August, 2024 from 10 am to 1 pm on the school grounds, full of fun filled water games. This is open and free to attend for all parishioners young and old. Please join in large numbers. Dress code will be monsoon casuals.
5. On behalf of the parish our special thanks goes to Fr. Joe, Sunday School Catechists and children for the outstanding performance on Parents and Grandparents day. May God bless you and keep you in good health.
6. The Bombay Catholic Sabha has organised drawing and painting competition to our Sunday School Children on next Sunday, 11th August 2024, at 8 am. Kindly carry your own drawing and painting materials. Only the drawing sheet will be provided by the sabha.
7. The Bible Committee is organizing ONE DAY BIBLE STUDY (ODBS) for the youth on 15th August,2024. All those interested youths from the age of 16 to 35 can register themselves at the parish office or contact the Bible Committee office. For details kindly look up the notice board.
8. The Diocesan Vocation Service Centre is organizing QUEST programm for boys and girls who are interested in priesthood and religious life. The programme is on 15th August,2024 at the Goregaon Seminary. Details of the programme are on the notice board.
9. Bishop Barthol Barretto, Bishop of the Diocese of Nashikh has requested our Parishioners for financial help as the Diocese is in need for funds for running the projects. His request letter is posted on the notice board. The cheques may be made in the name of the Catholic Diocese of Nasik
10. Goregaon to Bhayander Charismatic Group is having discipleship program from 11th August, 2024 to 9th February 2025, One Sunday a month from 2pm to 6pm in the school basement. For details please see the notice board. All are invited.
11. St. Anthony Church, Malwani is organizing a football tournament for Altar Servers, Youth, Junior boys, Men, Women and Veterans (40+). All those interested to participate can contact Mr. Andrew Creado for Men Participants, Mr. Dean Pereira for youth participants and Ms. Cassina Netto for women participants. For more information please refer the poster on the notice board.
12. The parish fathers thank you last Sunday’s collection which amounted to Rs.31,486/-