1. 27th August the memorial of St. Monica
28th August the memorial of St. Augustine
29th August the memorial of the Passion of St. John the Baptist
2. Novenas to the Nativity of our Lady will begin on Friday, 30th August 2024 at the 7.00 pm Mass and the Feast is celebrated on 8th September at 9.30 am Mass. The detail schedule with themes and celebrants is posted on the notice board. The offertory gifts from the communities mentioned in the schedule will be collected by the SVP members to distribute to the poor. Please attend the novenas in large numbers.
3. Parish Pastoral Council meeting on Sunday 1st September 2024 after 9.30 am Mass. Members please be present.
4. Mass booking for the month of October will commence from 30th August 2024.
5. The Legion of Mary has planned a chain of Rosary during the Nativity novena days. All families to pray the rosary and join this chain of Rosary. Kindly register at the book stall or with the Legionaries available after mass during the Novena Day. A bouquet of these rosaries will be presented during
offertory on the feast day 8th September 2024.
6. The Pre-Baptism Course will be held on Saturday, 31st August 2024 for the couples who are expecting their first child. The course will be conducted in the conference room from 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm. kindly register your name the parish office by 28th August 2024.
7. We are happy to congratulate the Men’s Open Category of our parish who bagged 4th Place at the Antonian Indi Cup, Malwani football tournament. The trophy is displayed in the porch for viewing.
8. The Bombay Catholic Sabha has arranged a helpdesk in the porch on Sundays from 8.30 am to 10.30 am for voter's card Registration and BCS Membership drive. Kindly make use of this facility.
9. The Stop- Gaps Cultural Academy presents ‘Dramatic Effect’ of music in celebration of 90 years on Sunday, 1st September 2024 at 7.00 pm at the Tata Theatre NCPA Mumbai. For further details refer the poster on the notice board.
10. The parish fathers thank you for the following collections:
Last Sunday …… Rs. 29,722/-
S.V.P…..…………...Rs. 18,757/-